VehicleSeat throttle stays at 1.. [BASIC HELP]

  1. The throttle so it can go above 1mph on the vehicle seat.

  2. The throttle on the vehicle seat wont go up past 1mph.

  3. I’ve looked around but nobody has put a post about this.

VehicleSeat.Throttle is 1, or you mean you want the car to go faster?
What are you using for a script?
How much Torque is in your wheel HingeConstraints? It needs to be a large number, try 100000 to see if it makes a difference?
How heavy is your car? Too heavy and you need more Torque, if it’s lighter then of course it needs to be less.

Yes, the Throttle is at 1 and wont go higher. I do want to go faster.

Also your HingeConstraint.AngularSpeed should be around 10-20 for many vehicles. Try playing with AngularSpeed and Torque numbers.
You need to make sure that none of the wheel Parts or body Parts are rubbing together either. Make Parts around each wheel CanCollide false to check if that helps.

My code is this A normal script:

local Seat = script.Parent
local SeatThrottleEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SeatThrottleEvent

    local Throttle = Seat.Throttle
    SeatThrottleEvent:FireClient(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Seat.Occupant.Parent), Throttle)

A local script:

local MPHNumber = script.Parent
local SeatThrottleEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SeatThrottleEvent

    MPHNumber.Text = tostring(MPH)


SeatThrottleEvent in Replicated Storage.

But you need to set the values INSIDE each HingeConstraint manually.

No parts are around the wheel are rubbing, how high should I set the torque?

Like I said in post #2 and #4, try some higher numbers.
What do you have it set to now, and how large is the car?