VehicleSeat Throttle

I need help to solve a problem that is exploding my mind, I’m trying to make a GUI that once clicked it set a VehicleSeat Throttle to 1/-1/0 , I have already used FireServer, RunService Heartbeat, modules, but nothing happened and every time, the value of the Throttle or ThrottleFloat is removed by the system in few milliseconds and I see only the Throttle set to 0, how can I do ?

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The throttle resetting is an intended feature.

The direction of movement, tied to the keys W and S. Must be an integer 1 (forward) 0 (null) or -1 (reverse). Will refresh back to 0 unless constantly set.

You may not be able to see the throttle changing in studio properties menu, but as long as you’re constantly setting it it should function as expected.

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okay so I have to use a variable or something similar to keep the value from the GUI and with a RunService for example I set the Throttle right ?

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You’d set VehicleSeat.Throttle every frame, you could create a runservice connection to repeatedly set it. However, I must ask why you want to change the Throttle property from a gui. Do you actually have any idea what it does?

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I’m trying to make custom buttons (accelerator and brake) for mobile devices, and this is the only one idea that I know to achieve this…

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The throttle does not change how the car works. Instead, the throttle property tells you whether the player driving the car is holding forward or backward. There is no reason to set that property.

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okay so u suggest to change something else and then tell to the car that a certain variable is changed right ?

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Instead of changing a property on the car, you must change how the script handles the car.

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Just a quick example:
If the + gui button is pressed change the HingeConstraint on the wheels to a certain Angular Velocity. Then it won’t change back due to the vehicleseat.


okay thank u to everyone for the help!

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Whose solution fixed the problem?
It helps others that search the forums when they have the same issue. They see that it’s been solved, but nothing about what suggestion actually solved it.

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