VehicleSeat's Throttle and ThrottleFloat properties are getting reduced by 1 after opening the Reset/Leave menu

If a player opens the Reset/Leave menu while sitting in a VehicleSeat, the Throttle and ThrottleFloat properties are getting reduced by 1 (when not pressing any key it’s -1, when attempting to move forward it’s 0) for any VehicleSeat the player is using.

This bug happens with all VehicleSeats.


  1. Insert a VehicleSeat.
  2. Run test using Play or Play Here.
  3. Sit on the vehicle seat with your character.
  4. Open the Reset/Leave menu.
  5. Look into the VehicleSeat’s properties. You will notice that the throttle is now -1 when idle and 0 when attempting to go forward.

Standing up and sitting again doesn’t help. The only way to fix this is by rejoining the game.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Opening menu ingame forces VehicleSeat to throttle in reverse permanently

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