Velate | Affiliate Information

Partnership Requirements

Want to partnership with Velate? All you need to do is read this information and see if your group has what it takes, and will take on commitment towards our community.

Any of this information may change in the future, please be aware of this.

⮩ Our allied groups must consist of 30+ real members. Exceptions will be granted if we believe your group surpasses any of our expectations.

⮩ Our allied groups must have a well managed, secure and professional environment with a good reputation.

⮩ Our allied groups must be active and benefit Velate in some way.

⮩ Our allied groups must have great quality Graphics for the community.

⮩ Allied Representatives must be available to contact our Public Relations Department in some way during any important event.

⮩ An allied group must not be blacklisted from affiliating with Velate.

Please ensure you message a SHR+ on Discord the answers towards these questions.