Velocity from a specific point

Hello, I’m currently trying myself on an explosion system and my question is:
How do I make a part “blow” away from a specific position/part?

If you didn’t understand what I mean, here is a nice paint picture:
Green: Velocity directions
Blue: Parts that are flying away (because of the “blow” that is coming from red)
Red: Explosion Position

Thanks for helping!

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You could use the shiny new BasePart | Roblox Creator Documentation method to apply a force, instead of a velocity. That way heavier objects move less.

Divide by the distance from the explosion squared to make closer parts fly away faster.

Something like

local POWER = 1000
local offset = part.Position - explosionPosition
local distance = offset.Magnitude
if distance < 20 then -- some maximum limit
    part:ApplyImpulse(POWER * offset.Unit / (distance * distance))

Is there a way to do this with velocity? Btw I got a table of the parts that should fly away…

Thanks for helping, but I found a soloution:

PartToBlowAway.Velocity = (PartToBlowAway.Position - ExplosionPosition) * speed
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The funny thing is, that you can also turn the variables in the brackets around to make a kind of magnet effect…