Velvetta Bkaery Official MR Guide
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- General Formalities
- Important MR Links
- Background to the Discord for MRs+
- Getting Started with Trainings
- Getting Started with Interviewing
- Concluding Messages
1. Introduction:
First of all, congratulations on becoming a MR at Velvetta; we welcome you to our fantastic our MR team! We’re extremely honored to have you join us, and we’re excited to see how you progress at Velvetta.
As a Staff Assistant, here at Velvetta, we do have certain fundamental expectations of you being an MR, as with every respectable company, which we intend to outline as much of in this guide. For example: shadowing, expectations and commands which shan’t be used at any times, just to name a few. You have been selected to be a Staff Assistant because we believe you are able to handle these tasks, and you’re able to follow these elementary things we ask. This applies to your entire journey as a MR here.
We do want for you to have a great time working at Velvetta! Why don’t you try to make some friends with some other fellow admins, we’re all very friendly and kind. They can also be a great way of keeping you positive and the jolly person we want you to be.
We strongly advise you to read the entire guide thoroughly to ensure your success here at Velvetta. We’ve created this guide in order to aid you in your journey with our company; it’ll only benefit you to read it!
2. General Formalities:
‣ Activity: We have found that activity can be an issue for some staff when they join our team. We all worry about not being able to be on sometimes, that’s perfectly fine! However, if you are planning to be away from Vekvetta for a longer period of time, say 3-4 days, you must let an AT+ know that you’d like to submit a Inactivity Notice (INs). This notice of inactivity must include a moderately detailed reason(s) and the duration of the suspected period of inactivity. Please note, INs do not excuse you in any way from very substantially long periods of inactivity without any update. You’re just holding up a spot for an active MR from joining our team!
Furthermore, activity is equally weighted in two areas: activity at sessions, and bakery activity. You can be amazing at attending sessions, but forgetting the bakery exists (or the contrariwise). That’s great; however, activity is required for both sessions and the bakery. You might think one’s less exciting or whatnot, but it’s a part of your job too. You should watch over the bakery also, don’t allow it to slip your mind. For STs, application reviewing action is also equally important to session and bakery activity too, we record the numbers of application you review, hence we will know if you slacken in that area.
‣ Grammar: For quite the vast majority of our MR Team, grammar isn’t at all a huge issue. We’ve selected you on a various range of factors, grammar being a massive part of it; we know you can do it! So, please, do not allow yourselves to start slacking in grammar. You’ll receive warnings for it, especially if you’re not correcting mistakes which you’ve clearly made and simply brushed off.
That being said, too advanced grammar which is incomprehensible by the majority of our younger customer and LR audience isn’t great either. We expect for all your vocabulary choices to be understandable by our younger-audience visitors. This goes for sessions and at the bakery, albeit it’s a great ability to possess, but perhaps not at the level in that it’s difficult to communicate with you.
When you get the chance to interview, and train, if you cannot spot these simple grammatical mistakes you’ll receive warnings, which can eventually lead to a demotion.
‣ Maturity: We expect for you to be respectful and professional at the bakery at all times, meaning you should not bring any staff lounge banter onto group games where LRs are present, nor should you be joking about with any friends on the bakery, even if they’re not working at Velvetta, the ‘I’m off-duty’ excuse would be deemed invalid. When the LRs are no longer present (after a session), you may be immature, but to an extent. This means you shan’t be exploiting the admin to your own enjoyment, be intelligent.
Additionally, you are expected to be respectful to all of the HR team, when you are asked to do something, do it. We do not tolerate attitude from anyone, and is punishable by warnings, if not a demotion. The act of leaking our private discord channels are likewise not permitted, if someone is asking you for leaks, please do not partake in these actions; simply report the individuals to a HR as soon as possible. They’ll result in your career at Velvetta being abruptly terminated, or at a bare-minimum, harshly reconsidered. We by no means take leaking lightly.
As an MR at Velvetta, you’re also expected to represent yourself and the group in a good light, whilst at Velvetta-allied groups; this means no trolling or to be causing scrimmage elsewhere. There will be consequences for negative actions performed at allied groups, actions may be treated as it would be if it was conducted at Velvetta itself. That being said, misconduct or inappropriate behavior in any public game, will result in consequences as you are the greatest representative of our group; a demotion is likely if we receive reports of such behavior.
‣ Discord Expectations: Although you may now be an MR, our bottom-line expectations remain the exact same as if you were a customer in the server. You are a member of the server, thus you aren’t exempt from complying with the rules of the server - regardless of your rank. Even in staff channels, server rules must be kept in mind at all times. In addition to this, while in public channels (public/general discussion) we don’t require you all to be obliged to use grammar, we do expect you all to be mature and decent human beings there in front of non-MRs - as you have no doubt realized that you represent us in the public eye. Please note that moderate swearing is permitted, however, excessive cursing which exceeds racial/homophobic bounds are treated as a serious incident. There’ll be consequences for those not complying with server rules, spanning from warnings, suspensions to even a demotion - depending on the severity.
‣ General Avatar Attire: As an MR at Velvetta, unlike some other groups, we do not expect for you to wear compulsory uniform at sessions, and whilst attending the bakery. That being stated, you are still expected to wear suitable attire to group games; it doesn’t have to be a suit nor a professional dress, it can be ordinary clothing, but please keep in mind that you’re representing Velvetta. On the topic of wearing packages, unlike the old rule of no packages whatsoever, we now do allow realistic packages! Unrealistic packages are not permitted, and it’s at HR discretion whether certain packages are deemed unrealistic. Last small technicality: no mixing packages, as that’s generally unprofessional.
‣ Account Safety: As a staff member at Velvetta, you are given access to many privileges/secret topics that not many other groups offer upon becoming a MR (i.e. admin, access to non-public boards, audit logs)! This is why it’s incredibly important to ensure your account is 100% secure as there is much at stake if you’re not careful with your account details. You are not allowed to give your password of your Roblox, Discord and Trello accounts to anyone , not even admin friends/siblings as you should not trust anyone with that information. On the topic of account safety, it’s a requirement to enable 2-factor-authentication on at least your Roblox account; it’s pretty much impossible to get your account compromised if that’s enabled. You will be held responsible for anything that occurs on your account, although it may not necessarily be you!
3. Important MR Links:
‣ Upon starting your career at Velvetta, one of your responsibilities is to help out our MR team at interviews and training sessions. Please read the interview guide, likewise to this guide, very thoroughly and pay close attention to every detail, as it is important.
Here’s the guide to get you started with interviewing at Velvetta;
Here’s how interview sessions are to be hosted! This is only applicable to Intern+.
Here’s the guide to get you started with training at Velvetta, it also includes the Informers Guide transcript attached;
‣ As a new Intern you are perhaps aware that you’re expected to interview as a Intern. If you’re feeling somewhat perplexed, don’t you worry we have a guide specifically targetting how shadowing works in a deal of great depth ready for you.
In a nutshell, you’d only have to Interview five times in total, when you first become Staff Assistant (for interviews alone). For trainings, however, you would have to wait to shadow until you are promoted to Supervising Team (ST). Likewise, instructions for ST+ are included in the following link.
This concept is explained in further detail in the main shadowing guide;
‣ At the bakery, you are expected to be in a position to handle certain situations correctly and in an appropriate manner. This compilation forum is here to help you make decisions on when it’s deemed suitable to instate a player ban; this should be used as a general guide to help you with the administrative responsibility in which you possess.
‣ We also offer a monthly Staff Endorsement Scheme that acknowledges certain staff in a small way of showing our gratitude to your dedication as a MR at Velvetta. More information is followed up here;
4. Background to the our Discord for MRs+:
A. The MR+ Channels:
Staff Lounge is the channel where Staff Assistant+ (MR+) are free to mingle, hence the name, “lounge”. You’re permitted to share around harmless, chatty banter to non-MRs, however, they must not portray the staff in a negative light. If you’re found out to be circulating inappropriate behavior or leaking private topics from SL, you’ll receive severe consequences. To be on the safe side, you shouldn’t consider leaking anything from SL at all, however, if you are, I’d advise asking a HR before you share something to be completely sure.
Staff Discussion is used for tagging if you need help with anything. For example, if you need help at the cafe, you can locate yourself to staff discussion and tag @MR Team, followed by your reason for tagging/your request. Gentle reminders and notices can be sent out to MRs here. Please refrain from leaking this channel.
Staff Announcements is essentially the most important channel for you as a MR to pay attention to; it contains all the information to keep you up-to-date with the newest staff notices. This channel should never be muted under any circumstance either as it’s vital to being a MR. Staff Announcements should never be leaked, with the harshest of sanctions being given to those who happen to do this.
The Staff Bot channel is basically the channel which MT+ can use to perform their administrative actions (i.e. demoting, promoting, PC-Banning etc.) with ease. You do not need to worry about this channel until you’re a promoter, although you may send a request for a MT+ to do this for you in SD.
B. The MR+ Discord Roles:
In Staff Discussion, you may tag for sensible reasons with the @MR Team tag. If you face trouble, or experiences that you could not handle on your own in the cafe, you may use something along the lines of the following example shown below.
@MR Team I could do with some help at the bakery. There’s multiple exploiters and trollers. Please come if you’re available.
There are also other tags, such as @Trainer , @Promoters and @Wall Mod .
As a Intern you’ll only need to use @MR Team , and @Wall Mod . Perhaps @Promoters , too. The Trainer tag is only for session hosts who need help at sessions.
@Wall Mod is to be used if you see any disrespectful comments, advertisements, or spam on the group wall. You’d simply take a screenshot of the comment you want deleted, and then you’d head to staff discussion, and send the link with the tag @Wall Mod . For example;
@Wall Mod I’ve noticed a disrespectful post/spamming posts, on the group wall. May someone delete? (Insert link to screenshot here).
@Promoters is used by SAs and STs if you ever need an LR demoting for a certain reason, such as them being disrespectful, trolling, having safechat, or not following our guidelines for LRs. Here’s an example on what you’d write.
@Promoters If someone has time, may they look into demoting (Username) for (reason)? Here’s the proof, I (did/did not) warn them first. (Put link to screenshots here).
5. Getting Started with Trainings:
‣ Upon becoming a MR, you’ll be soon aware of the three roles that an admin could have. Currently at the rank of Staff Assistant, you can only be a Shadow until you’re promoted to ST - more of what your responsibilities/expectations are as a shadow are iterated in a later section of the document. An ST+ can be an actual Trainer in the sessions, as well as host them; you should be perfectly aware of how to train by the time you’ve received ST as you would have shadowed many times as an SA. Members of the Administration Team may also be a Supervisor to note down points of improvements for the trainers.
‣ As an SA, you can only shadow Trainers (ST+). When you join the server, walk up to the podium and stand directly behind it. There’d likely be other SAs there too. Subsequently, if a Trainer does not have a shadow, you’d be able to tell; they won’t have anyone standing behind them. To select a Trainer who you want to shadow, simply stand behind them on the golden shadow’s line. You’ll now have a trainer that you’ll be shadowing, name yourself using the format “Shadowing - Username (of the Trainer)”. Finally, your trainer will consult you with what you’ll be doing in the training session, sending any appropriate shadowing guides. Your trainer may ask you to do certain drinks/orders, a certain general knowledge question and a trolling simulation, as outlined by the shadowing guide.
‣ Roles at Training: as you’ll realize, a private message will be sent out before the commencement of the session asking you which role you’d like to take: “SS/ES/RULES/INFO/MP/GROUPING”
It’s not recommended that you take a role until you’re confident roughly with the Training session structure. Here’s a brief outline to the roles on offer:
- SS (Start Shout): A group shout posted on the group wall when trainings are locked. You post this as soon as the Host says “lock”. You can check out other staff member’s previous shouts to see what this could look like!
- ES (End Shout): A group shout posted on the group wall when trainings have been shut down. You post it as soon as the Host says “Shutdown”. Likewise to SS, you can always check out other staff member’s previous shouts to see what this could look like!
- RULES: There are 6 rules in total to be read out as soon as the server message that says something along the lines of “username will be reading out the rules”. These can be found in the main Training Guide documentation.
INFO: There’s a run-through of information to be read out, immediately as the server message with Rule 6 disappears.
- MP: (You cannot take this until you’re a promoter). This is a central promotion role. The main promoter is expected to promote an ST’s passers when they’re brought to the golden lines outside.
GROUPING: If you are grouping, here’s how it works. The Host will always be group A, so you say “change (Username) g A”. Then, you may change all the other trainers randomly to (Groups will be added when TC is finished). Once done, your job as grouper is essentially done. As the host locks the server via the “lock” command, that will make all the groups go automatically set. If there are any technical issues with the command, perhaps someone has not been grouped correctly, you would add them to a random group by the command like above. In the event of total system failure, please simply resort to manual assigning of groups.
‣ For ease of setting up your individual training guides and ideas, here is a document to give you a variety of ideas about your orders/trolling simulation/trivia.
‣ Please note that you aren’t permitted to leave the session until the host dismisses you. You must stay attentive. Whilst training, also look out for Trainees, Cahseirs, and Chefs making grammar mistakes. If they make a mistake, you must correct it.
6. Getting Started with Interviewing:*
Explanation of the three-strike system operating at Interviews:
‣ The strike limit is three. That means the interviewee must make no more than two in order to pass their interview. Once they have exceeded the strikes limit, you’ll fail them straight away.
‣ A “Strike” (in it’s individual form) can come from lack of detail, grammar, or exceeding the time limit. Collectively, a number of different types of strikes can result in a failure for the interview.
‣ For instance, if an interviewee makes 1 grammatical error + has 1 undetailed response + exceeds the time limit 1 time, that equals three strikes (therefore a fail).
‣ If your interviewee copies and pastes, please fail them straight away in compliance with Rule #6 of interviews.
‣ Some errors that your interviewee could make are, indeed, incorrect, even so, some may be too strict to count considering the target audience of the group. Examples of these minor errors include, but are by no means limited to:
- Commas before and after connectives, such as “and” and “because”.
- Writing "Roblox” as “ROBLOX”.
- Dunkin’ Donuts without the apostrophe.
- Hardworking and hard-working.
- Starting a sentence with a connective.
‣ The roles available at Interviews are marginally the same as at Trainings, however, there are fortunately less for interviews. Please refer to the asterixis (*) in the Roles at Trainings guide which indicate the applicable roles used at interviews.
7. Concluding Message:
We hope this guide has enabled you to have more of an insight into how Velvetta works a bit more. Well done for persevering all the way through the document too, admittedly, it’s quite hefty! We also look forward to seeing how you prosper with us. If you have any remaining questions, please don’t hesitate in messaging any HR+ via discord. We’ll be more than happy to help!
Yours faithfully,
Created: 09/16/2019
Verified by the Velvetta HRs.
We hope to see more of you here at Velvetta!