Vending Machine Feedback

Hi! I wanted to make a vending machine, so I spent roughly an hour or so making one! I appreciate any feedback. I tried incorporating SurfaceGUI onto the build (seen in the buttons) and I don’t know if I like it or not. Should I change it to parts, or keep it as is?

Close Ups


Thank you!


Perhaps make the font on the buttons smaller? :grinning:

Great model though :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Personally I believe that having a variety of drinks outside the normal cola could help spice up the design.

In terms of composition though, you really nailed it on the head! My only suggestion towards the button layout would be adjusting the layout to look like this:

A 1 2
B 3 4
C * x

With * being confirm, and x being clear


I updated the vending machine to include sound effects, payment of product, change falling out, and a display showcasing the item you purchased. All credit for coding goes to @Volerien. I also included the idea @HolyDivision gave about the layout of the buttons.

Heres a video to show off all the changes:


This vending machine looks good! Nice job on it!

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so cool and epic good job, keep up the awesome building

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One last update: Added some more sound effects as well as updating the map around the vending machine. It restocks itself every 5 minutes, or it can be auto restocked via a combination: ABC1. We also added a secret code if you want to try: 432B.

Our plans are to make the vending machine for public use. It was a fun project, but there’s ultimately no end goal, so hopefully it can serve whoever uses it well. I’ll keep you updated on that.

Here is the game in case you want to try it out yourself: Procedural Tool Vending Machine Test - Roblox


I quite like it

It really fits the theme of that little piece of map, and honestly it looks like it could fit in so many other maps, this would definitely be High-quality item material!


I could watch this video for hours
The vending machine looks amazing!