Verification in game Problem

I don’t exactly know wheres the problem here, because all was good until this appear

  1. I was making my game without problems, until I get a issue

  2. When I get into my game appear a verification text, that I have never place it, make that the game crash, without any option

  3. I already revert to old versions, but it doesn’t go, if someone have the same problem in the past tell me :disappointed_relieved:


Sounds like you have a plugin that’s not legitimate or maybe a module?

Would you mind sending a screenshot of your plugins/modules? (preferably embedded)

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Captura de pantalla 2020-10-16 a la(s) 10.19.29 a. m.

Alr, this are all

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Make sure those are all the legitimate versions of those plugins and make sure they didn’t install any scripts in your workspace. Also make sure you haven’t installed any malicious modules.

This is interesting, because a lot of people are having the same problem with a virus. Did you install any new plugins or used any free models?

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I haven’t install a plugin in a while, and last free model I use I already remove it

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It’s very possible one of these scripts is placing malicious scripts in your game without your knowledge, if you can’t pinpoint it, try uninstalling them and ensuring that you reinstall the legitimate versions of those plugins.

	for _, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("BaseScript") or v:IsA("Script") or v:IsA("LocalScript") or v:IsA("ModuleScript") then

Execute this in command bar, and see in the output if there is any lua containers (aka scripts) that you don’t recognize.

And that affects all versions? Because I revert to old versions and continue there

Reverting to old versions won’t do anything. Plugins are installed to Studio, not to the specific game. Uninstall the plugins, reinstall legitimate versions, and then make sure malicious scripts from your old plugins aren’t hidden somewhere.

If it’s reverted, then there is 2 scenarios that I can think of, it’s a code that was hidden and it waited for a certain time/date to pass and make itself present, or it’s a plugin injecting the code. Could you dm me the place so I can investigate it myself?

I don’t see any script I don’t recognize

Okay so, I don’t know. It’s probably hidden in one of the recognizable scripts. Are you comfortable with direct messaging me the place so I can do some investigation myself and tell you what I think that it’s the problem? It’s fine if you don’t.

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I already uninstall plugins but continue there

Like I said, make sure it isn’t hiding it’s scripts in any of your Storages. Make sure the only scripts in places like ReplicatedStorage and the PlayerScripts/GUI are scripts you made.

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I see the problem. I am gonna clean up the place. There is scripts that contain obfuscated require functions.

Nope, I check and, all is mine,

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I’ve cleaned up the place. It should be mostly virus-free. The main problem was free scripts (free model scripts).

Following infections were:

  • Spread
  • Vaccine
  • Welder
  • Hoverboard script (obfuscated require leading to infection)

After removal, none of the described issues were no longer present. To avoid future problems like this, don’t use free models or check them properly before using them.


Nicely done. I also never require by ID …I want the unchanging code that I can review myself.

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Require scripts in the viruses changed overtime. Here is example:

  • require(0000000)
  • require(0000000 * 0)
  • require(0000000 * 0):Run()
  • getfenv()["\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"]
  • getfenv()[string.reverse("\000\000\000\000\000\000\000")]

There is endless possibilities, but those are common ones. You can use require() by the id, but make sure you require a trusted script from a trusted developer. Require isn’t evil, the code that is required might be.