Verified Badge is incorrectly not being granted

As per the most recent update from Roblox:

Users who own groups that contain a game which exceeds 1M+ Playtime Hours in the last 90 days should be receiving the verified badge.

However, currently only the group itself gets verified, not the group owner.

This behavior has been confirmed many times by developers that meet the requirements, and have had their group successfully verified, and had their profile get skipped.

It’s worth clarifying that Contributors (Users with Studio access, but are not the Group Owner) should not have the verified badge applied to their profile, as per the recent announcement. However, it has been clearly stated that Group Owners should currently be receiving the verified badge on their profile during verified badge waves.

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is that Group Owner user accounts for games within a group that exceed 1M+ Playtime Hours in the last 90 days be included in verification waves.

Both the group itself, and its owner should receive the badge.

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This is (weirdly) not how the verification waves work. My group Kohaú got verified last summer and the group had the checkmark for months before the owner and I’s accounts received it, despite our accounts meeting the requirements for the badge at the same time as the group. The system does require group owners to meet the “contributor” requirements (10k+ followers) in order to receive the badge too, but provided you meet those, it shouldn’t be expected that your profile will get verified as soon as your group does.

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