Verified Checkmark for Roblox Users, Groups and Games

Greetings developers,
After numerous such discussions I want to elaborate this over as a feature request.

My request leans over a verification process for “authentic” roblox users, groups and games to prevent scams, impersonation and re-publishing of games/assets .

  • Verifying Roblox Users

Why do we need it?

The most obvious reason being impersonation, I want to say that with the enrollment of Display Names, many users started to use DNs similar to popular YTs, developers and other notable identities on the platform. Roblox had a good counter to this action by blacklisting certain usernames which can not be used as DNs now. Nevertheless, people have been seen bypassing it. A checkmark could prevent this by portraying authenticity.

Who should get it?

Front page developers, YTs above a certain number of subscribers, Star creators, UGC Creators, Event Organizers, NDA testers, Admins and Educators.


Most of them can be automatically verified via DevForum or Roblox group connections but for the ones such as Devs and YTs could need a manual approval.

  • Roblox Groups

Why do we need it?

Verified groups could act as an assurance against scams/bots and that the management is taken over a clean moderation. These groups would be a good example to the platform and would be a mark over original and authentic communities.

Who should get it?

Groups having a certain number of members along with a positive community of a good standing.


All groups could go through a manual approval.

  • Roblox Games

Why do we need it?

As we dive deeper into the world of Metaverse, hackers, exploiters and their techniques improve as well, a good example would be game uncopylockers which copy the game’s data and publish it as a similar one to gain popularity. Roblox moderation does whatever’s possible but every system has a flaw. Verified games could act as a badge over players who can rely on it to play without any risks.

Who should get it?

Front page games, with a certain MAU limit and the developer’s standing in the community.


All games would need a manual approval to prevent verification of botted games.

This would add on a lot to the platform, and many would have the question over if this would switch the platform to a “social media”, well no, a verification badge is not a matter of “popularity” but “authenticity”

Thanks :slight_smile:

EDIT : This request has taken affect, thank you DevRel


metatablecat and metatablecatgirl is still not blacklisted, even though I’m being targeted by impersonators

Regardless of that, please add some form of user verification, the issue is with the playerlist since it’s icons usually rely off a group, do all verified users have to join a group similar to Roblox Admins to get the badge?


Although the system could be quite complicated, I do not think just joining a group would get you the badge. BUT all verified users could be given a group to join.
Eg. “Verified Users Of Roblox” like other groups (Star crestions, EOs, NDA testers)


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