Verified question

Hi guys,
I’ve got a question. If my group, for example, gets verified, am I going to be verified too because I own the group?


Most verified groups have their owners verified, only a few ones don’t, so it’s not a rule.

Just because your group got verified doesn’t mean your account will get verified as well.

if your group gets verified, it does not mean you will also be verified just because you own the group.

click for the criteria

quoted directly out of this article:

Account Type Notability Requirement
Brands & Figures (companies, celebrities, musicians, politicians, etc) 100K+ followers on at least one major social media platform (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube) or 100K+ monthly listeners on Spotify. Or, you are part of the Video Stars program.
Experience Developers You are an owner of an experience with playtime exceeding 1M hours in the last 90 days. Or, you are a contributor to such an experience and have at least 10K legitimate followers on Roblox (a legitimate follower is someone who appears to be a real user, not a bot).
Creators of Avatar Items You (or your group) have at least 2M Robux in revenue for the last 90 days with at least 200K items sold.

Next, we need to confirm that you are Authentic (aka you are who you claim to be). This requirement is met via ID verification.

Finally, we want to make sure that your accounts are secure and active. This means that your account has Authenticator enabled and has been active on our platform in the last 180 days.

Please note that if you represent a brand and are working with our Partnership team, additional requirements may be needed that will be communicated by our Partnership team.