[ Version 1.0.0 ] Cerulean has been released!

Hello, everyone!

My new survival RPG / shooter has been released under 1.0.0. It’s a survival game that’s heavily inspired by Rust, probably one of my favorite games to date, and the interface does take some inspiration from it.

I am very happy with how the game has turned out, and I hope to get a decently-sized playerbase behind it, which would honestly make my year.


  • Very clean crafting interface.
  • Weapons currently save and load, upon leaving and rejoining.
  • Thirst and hunger management.
  • Damage based on weapon or tool used.
  • First person animations.
  • Poisoning system when eating rotten food
  • Realistic models and textures (minus the player model.)
  • FOV Option Modifier

Below are some in-game screenshots and thumbnails.


If you’re interested in playing, here’s the link!

If you guys have any questions, concerns, or thoughts on the game, I’d love to here them!


Definitely a very interesting game, got me addicted and played it for quite a while :+1:

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