For 2 days… I have been making a Gui version of the periodic table, compiling data of all the elements, and figured out how to make a nucleus model with a relative X points.
It was able to produce…
Small elements (Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, and Beryllium) have a custom generation:
Other notes:
Handles locally “So 40 people do not fight for one surfacegui”
Generates it at ~5 spheres per wait() (nucleus) and 1 electron shell per wait()
Uses generic formula for calculating the radius (Mass number ^ 1/3)
Edit: Ok, I decided not to give the full script, but I will give how I calculated the points. How you use the points is up to you.
function GetPoints(Center,Radius,Points)
local TTR = math.floor(math.sqrt(Points))
local PPC = math.floor(Points/TTR)
local NewPoints = {}
local i = 1
for i = 1, TTR do
local ExtraRot
if i > math.ceil(TTR/2) then
ExtraRot = 0
ExtraRot = 180*((1)/TTR)
local Center = * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad((360*((i-1)/TTR) + ExtraRot)),0)
for j = 1, PPC do
local Point = (Center * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(360*((j-1)/PPC) + ExtraRot)))*,Radius,0)
return NewPoints
Hm… well, I would prefer that it was >more realistic<, in terms of that electrons are <1/10th of the size of a proton/neutron. For better visualization, you may as well add rings, and show eventual statistics. If you make your [GUI-work tasteful b[/b]](three.js css3d - periodic table), I shall eat it. If not… I won’t stay long. Erm, yes - several years ago, I tried making an API like this, just grabbing data for atoms. It was a lot of [strike]slave[/strike] work. He…[size=2]he…[/size] [size=1]…[/size]
It’s not possible from a practical point of view to create a visual of atoms that humans can fully visualize. What FromLegoUniverse has here in my opinion is perfect! I would however appreciate seeing the different rings of electrons be different shades of red. That would help myself and others determine how many rings of electrons each atom has.
I have updated the OP with info on getting the points.
And by the way, I just wanted to make some that was able to make Bohr models, not real life ones (we do not fully understand what they look like).
I am going to look into the rings to show the shells. Not a hard task, done a similar form, so it should not take long.
That would not be for this, it would be for a new model thing. But how hard would that be? Some form special shapes (ex: Carbon-rings), so it might be hard for me.
A few thigs I noticed:
There are isotopes as well as “neutrons” displayed. You really should only display one or the other (prefereably isotopes) because they have conflicting information on the same subject. Also, the isotopes should probably also have a bar chart so people know how many of each isotope exist. You should also cite your sources for the quantitative information (because you did not perform an experiment to determine the average atomic mass of Hydrogen) and for the qualitative information in your wall of text.
[quote] Version 1.2 in development (Version 1.1 was the rings )
How is this? Will probably readjust the GUIs
-Snip- [/quote]
It looks very professional.
A few thigs I noticed:
There are isotopes as well as “neutrons” displayed. You really should only display one or the other (prefereably isotopes) because they have conflicting information on the same subject. Also, the isotopes should probably also have a bar chart so people know how many of each isotope exist. You should also cite your sources for the quantitative information (because you did not perform an experiment to determine the average atomic mass of Hydrogen) and for the qualitative information in your wall of text.[/quote]
Slight issue with percentages… I do not have that info… I am merely referencing the char of isotopes I got new the beginning of the trimester.