Version Checker

So as you might now games like " I Wanna Test The Game" have a version checker system. And if you want to add something like that to your game, youre in the right place!

You may find the model here!

Thanks to s6quid for helping me!


i have a question

is everypublish in game the verison checker gonna update?

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what do you mean by that?

can you give more details?

every publish increases the version.

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i mean when i add something to the game and i publish it but dont need to go and update the verison ui manually that what i mean

yeah dont need manually, the version on the ui only shows the current version the server is running at.

aright great job bro i was trying to make something like that

if you want it to show the latest version too, i can help you with that.

no problem! you can reply here if you have an issue.

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This isn’t quite useful honestly and it is quite rude of you to not credit the guy who told you how this would work.

You also asked such a question here:
In the wrong category…

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:skull: bro i didnt see the category Game version checker

i just when i entred devfourm i see he’s new category Version Checker and i just asked but if i see the old category i wont ask

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