Version History and Permissions admin pages cannot be refreshed

Reproduction Steps

1. Visit your Experience page
2. Click the little “…” in the top right
3. From the dropdown menu select “Configure this Place”
4. From the admin page select “Version History” or “Permissions” in the left nav
5. Press F5 to refresh your browser
6. Notice the 404 page is displayed

Expected Behavior

Expect to be able to refresh the “Version History” or “Permission” page to view the latest information.

Actual Behavior

404 page is displayed


After getting the 404 page, push the Back button on your browser, and then click the left nav link for “Version History” or “Permissions”

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL:
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-03-15 00:03:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-03-15 00:03:00 (-04:00)


Hi there, thank you for the report. We are actively fixing this issue.


This is now resolved. Again, thank you for the report.


Thanks for the swift reply @z_aerie . The Version History page is fixed, confirmed.

The Permissions page still has this issue in my testing.

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Hi there, we pushed another fix yesterday! This should be resolved.

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