As a developer it is difficult to tell when a server is up to date. I think a good solution would be to display a version number somewhere in studio, and print the version number in the local console. Then anyone can just check what version the server is running and see if it’s up to date or not.
I’m talking about the place version. I want to know if the server is running what I have in studio.
One way could be to simply update the version written on each update.
That’s how I do it anyway.
~~Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
~~Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
These are already read only properties of “game”, the first is the current version of the actual place and the second is the version the server is running on
EDIT: comparing these will show you if a server is out of date while in game
Edit: I came back to this post in 2019 and I have no idea what I was thinking when I posted this.
This is a common need and should be implemented as an official feature rather than being individually re-implemented by every developer (more than likely after it’s needed the first time).
Game version might not be information that the developers want the players to know. If a developer would find it useful, then I would imagine that they could implement the place version text label somewhere in the game. A place version request might be a nice API to have if it does not already exist.