So after working with a team for a while, i’ve noticed some things that would help us in working together.
Version notes
Working with a team, one thing that would be nice is a note you can fill in when publishing that would show in this area.
This is so we could put like “Update 1.5.4, mostly fixes, etc”, and other developers can see that. Also allow plugins to add to these notes, or have a default fill in it so we can add on to it.
Version publisher
I think we need a way to see who pushed any update out, which would show in the version history
A rough draft (not exactly how i think it should look, but just to give an idea
Also for another side-feature to go in with this
Web hooks for version changes. This would basically be an event that could call to our own website endpoint that would tell us every time an update releases along with the version number, publisher, note, and date. I think this is honestly the most important feature for this, because having an automated version tracker on our discord/slack, etc. would help greatly.
If not a web-hook, perhaps a live notification system would be great.
API endpoint to fetch users currently editing
If you own a place, or have developer access, you should be able to see who is editing at any time, having an end-point to get list of users in team create, or users just editing in regular studio could help us in this as well.
Basically, the goal here is to help teams work together.