Versions Lost for 3 days of work

I was notified by my team today that the studio file they were working on seemed to be an older version. I went to the version history to try attempt to revert the file to their latest work. However, when I went to the version history, there were no versions for April 6 - April 9. My team has been working on the game every day this week which means there should be plenty of versions for those days.

Is our work lost? Is there anyway to retrieve it? How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Any advice or assistance would be very much appreciated. The link for the place with the missing versions is Low Tide Project WORKSHOP - Roblox



When was the screenshot taken ? When did you notice that place versions were missing ?

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Hi, that screenshot was taken a few minutes ago. The problem was first noticed about an hour ago.

Thanks for the response!

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We have taken this conversation to DMs.

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