VertexColor-Neon-Issue when Mesh Parented to Model With Humanoid

!! Changed the title after problem got specified !!!
Hello :smiley:
(this might be a bug thus in the wrong category)

I imported a model from the toolbox. It glows (I don’t know why, but it glows^^) as long as I leave it in workspace.
I can parent it to any part I want except models that contain a Humanoid.
Then it looses its glow.
Below is a picture of what I mean. This happened to other models with this glow effect as well.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
Thanks :smiley:

Can you send a link to the model?

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Yes :smiley:
One thing I noticed when I got the links is that the toolbox also shows the models without a glow. However I like the glow :sweat_smile:

The model I posted a screenschot of:

The other model:

It looks like the model gets it’s glow by giving itself a VertexColor higher than 1, making it technically “brighter than white” or “redder than red” in this case I suppose, which, given that Roblox supports HDR, makes it glow like neon.

As for why it doesn’t work with humanoids, I don’t know. It could be that humanoids just don’t have the HDR effect because of an oversight.

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Thank you very much for your efforts :smiley:
I did not know about VertexColor which seems quite useful for the future.
I wish there was a solution to my issue, but I guess your are correct with the oversight.
Still weird that the issue arises even when the humanoid and the glowing mesh are just siblings.

Maybe I will create a separate post regarding this - for now I will consider my problem to be done.
Thanks again :smiley:

When you set the color of an image, decal, or mesh vertex color over it’s limit (Color3 being 1, RGB being 255) it’ll be given it’s HDR glow effect.

However, when you parent said glowing object to a humanoid, it’ll be set to it’s color limit thus removing it’s glow.
Replied to the wrong message :man_facepalming:

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There’s a limit? How are you reaching it anyway?

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