Very heavy player [HELP]

I’m making a system that to the player die ragdoll is activated, being possible to tie the player with a Tool in some car.

But the player gets too heavy and the car can not accelerate, does anyone have any opinion ?

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you can change the mass of the player character once it spawns or increases the force of the car. It might help to see the script that controls the ragdoll.


If the wheel keeps spinning, it tells you that the car wheel have not enough grip to move.

If the wheel does not spin, try turn up the torque of the car.

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for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren) do --Get the children of character in a for loop
    if v:IsA("Part") then --If it is a part, do this
        v.Massless = true       

Set Massless equal to false when the player is standing upright.

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What do you mean by that? That translates in to: hi send rusty salv!!!

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When the player dies, make them lighter. Then reset it when they respawn.

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Several things:

1.) When the character loads in, loop through all the baseparts and change their density (CustomPhysicalProperties.Density) lower. This will, by extension, make then have less mass. You can also just set all the baseparts to have a “Massless” property of “true”.

2.) Make sure the car’s wheels have high friction (CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction). This will make them have more grip.

3.) Make sure the motors/constraints that spin the wheels of the car have a high amount of torque. This will also help.

If you need further assistance, let me know.

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