Very High Incoming Data

In my game, I send two remotes to the client every 1/30th of a second, this data is compressed and hardly takes up any bandwith.

However, my incoming data always seems to be sky high in game (not in studio)

This screenshot was taken in game with another person, that person showed that their incoming KB/s was much more realistic, at only around ~20 KB/s incoming in data and overall. Which is reflective of what those remotes should be consuming in terms of bandwith.

The server was in their region, Germany, I was connecting from US. This is not a single-occurrence issue, many times I try to track incoming KB/s and it’ll be much higher than it should be, completely different from what you’d expect with the tiny remotes being sent. I also suspect it’s something client side as sometimes it’ll be something that only happens on my client in game.

Has anyone had a similar issue before, if so please leave me any speculations or thoughts

It might not be just remote event data but also instances like creating parts which also need to replicate. Similar to Alvinbloxes problem below:

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I haven’t found anything in my game that’d require replication similar to his issue, the issue being something that mostly appears only occur on my client when playing from the roblox exe makes me think it could be caused by an external application, but I don’t know what application could possibly be the reason or if it’s really something like that at all