Very odd behaviour for the droppers

Hi All, i’ve got a dropper system but it seems to slow down and then pick back up and then slow down again and become very juddery. See video.

ANy idea why this is happening? As soon as there is more than 1 player on the server all of them are really slow and barly move at all. Yet the conveyors are working fine, i stand on them and away they go. But it’s the drops that are not working.

this is because the parts are being throttled or because the server doesnt know wich of the players needs to handle the parts. On the server set the parts network ownership to the owner of the plot.

local part = workspace.Part


can you at least show the script?

Most likely a performance issue, try reducing the amount of unanchored items around the player, your character probably has NetworkOwnership over them already and you’re on mobile which isn’t the best for speed.
You should confirm if this happens on desktop.

It happens on both.
here is the script

local dropsFolder = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Drops
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Dropper = {}
Dropper.__index = Dropper

function, instance, ownerPlayer)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Dropper)
	self.Tycoon = tycoon
	self.Instance = instance
	self.Rate = instance:GetAttribute("Rate")
	self.DropTemplate = dropsFolder[instance:GetAttribute("Drop")]
	self.DropSpawn = instance.Spout.Spawn
	self.OwnerPlayer = ownerPlayer  -- This assumes you're passing the player who owns the dropper

	return self

function Dropper:Init()
		while true do

function Dropper:Drop()
	local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

	local drop = self.DropTemplate:Clone()
	drop.Position = self.DropSpawn.WorldPosition
	drop.Parent = workspace  -- Parent the drop to workspace or a specific folder within workspace

	if drop:IsA("BasePart") then
		drop:SetNetworkOwner(self.OwnerPlayer)  -- Set the network owner to the owner player

	-- Add the LiftAndCarry_Physical_ClientScript to the drop
	local existingLocalScript = replicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("LiftAndCarry_Physical_ClientScript")
	if existingLocalScript then
		local clonedLocalScript = existingLocalScript:Clone()
		clonedLocalScript.Parent = drop

	-- Add the DragDetector to the drop
	local existingDragDetector = replicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("DragDetector")
	if existingDragDetector then
		local clonedDragDetector = existingDragDetector:Clone()
		clonedDragDetector.Parent = drop

	Debris:AddItem(drop, 30)

return Dropper

You are destroying it after 30 seconds of creation? It looks like you are creating a item every second, so that means you’ll always have at least 30 items active in Workspace, are you destroying them once they hit the cash area? (Or where the item is meant to go)

That’s if they fall off the conveyor belt. It will be changed to being destroyed after 30 mins soon. as We’ve changed it where it can be picked up and carried untill they buy the conveyor.

That’s super odd, could you try copying the script to a different place and test it?
See if something in the main place is causing the issue.