Very odd bodyvelocity glitch

I am creating some client-sided bullets as AA bullet from ships and machine guns from planes.
I set the network owner to a random player when a bullet is shot, as ships are controlled by A.I. For some reason, the bullets fly normally for a split seconds and than simply freeze. Even weirder, in my laser tag game, it works like normal as expected.

Here is my shooting code:

local gunManager = {}
local aa = game.ReplicatedStorage.Projectiles.AAShell
function gunManager.AAShot(ship, gun, orientation)
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers())]
	local shot = aa:Clone()
	shot.Position = gun.Barrel.ShootAtt.WorldPosition
	shot.Orientation =,orientation.x+3),math.random(orientation.y-3,orientation.y+3),math.random(orientation.z-3,orientation.z+3))
	shot.Color = workspace.Colors:FindFirstChild(ship.Data.Team.Value).Color
	shot:FindFirstChild(ship.Data.Team.Value).Enabled = false
	shot.Team.Value = ship.Data.Team.Value
	shot.Parent = workspace
	delay(1.35, function()

return gunManager

Here is my bullet code.

script.Parent.BodyVelocity.Velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector * 3000
It works for a split second then completely freezes.

To make it work like normal, I need to anchor and than unanchor the bullet.

Please help, I’m very confused.

BodyVelocity is deprecated; don’t use it. That might be the issue.

It might be worth using other methods like:

  • LinearVelocity
  • AssemblyLinearVelocity (if it’s a BasePart) (it’s a property)
  • Raycasting and tweening