Very Unsuccessful RPG

My experience Wanderlands RPG launched February 2023 has not seen any form of traction or success. With countless attempts at promoting the game failing miserably and several million :robux_gold: lost to advertising. I’m curious, is it even possible?

Up until early November 2023 the game was extremely dependent on Xbox sponsors. Each passing hour without them, player counts would plummet significantly. At times, I’d set alarms and reminders to sponsor the experience. Corporate changes to Roblox’s advertising system made this impossible.

Before then, I’ve contacted dozens of YouTubers. When a video was published, the effects only lasted 4 days. Should mention that I’m yet to contact a TikTok influencer or streamer.

Wanderlands has now lost millions of potential players. Countless attempts to improve Retention and other metrics have failed. Algorithm spikes have also not had an effect on the game.

With this thread, I’m looking for some general feedback and thoughts.


This is unfortunately what a lot of games on Roblox have become: the developer put a lot of works into them, then try to advertise it but with little success, the Roblox games landscape is very competitive and brutal. You have to make cash grabbing trash with theme about whatever these kids watch or have lot of lucks at advertising or a really good game that somehow engage players to quit their current games and play your games and spend on it (which is very hard).

Your games is good, have a ton content and progression, although it is still not good enough to compete other giants that in the home page. Original games in Roblox is really hard to come by because of this.

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My advice is just make games on Roblox for fun, dont expect you will get a lot of moneys popularity because if so, then you are just a grain of sand on the beach.

Seems like a fine game. I’d say it definitely counts as a finished product, prior to eventual updates throughout its lifespan.
I didn’t spend too much time playing, so I don’t have a more in-depth analysis.
But it definitely doesn’t stand out from any other game. I can probably play Vesteria instead and have a better experience.

You can try to focus more on a story or lore? Because I’m not sure if you’re going to outcompete any other RPG game through features or mechanics alone.

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I played this with my friend just now got to around level 10
the game feels good, but it feels slow paced and the world is really big
I dont think thats really the issue with it, but thats just a complaint i had

also confused why weapons like staffs dont give bonus damage to spells / spells dont scale on weapon strength kinda weird but it works it was fun to spam

I gotta say the UI work is phenomenal in this game, its just great.
Im really sorry to hear about your experience adverstising this project.

However, I’m sorry to say that the gameplay just did not feel like it stands out
Perhaps has alot to do with my burnout of this formula, experiencing it all the way since dungeon quest.

After doing my first dungeon i stopped playing

from the thumbnail alone the game looks boring, I like games like this but this just seems like a bad take

Post your D1 retention, D7 retention, E2E conversion rate and average visit length stats here so that we can see what the players are experiencing.

Also, based on playing your game for a few minutes:

  1. The starting map is very bland which makes players leave before they play
  2. There aren’t any parry moves or skill based moves, just spam melee or magic abilities
  3. Not sure how to progress which is the whole point of RPGs
  4. Everything in the game isn’t satisfying, try adding screen shake, visual effects, sound effects, and improve animations
  5. The first dungeon has enemies with way too high hp, it becomes tedious

Overall, it feels kind of bland compared to the other dungeon crawlers on Roblox. It’s the same as all the other ones: a sword with magic powers. You can succeed by heavily improving your game to compete with the other games on the platform, or you can make it more unique. The latter would be he wiser choice.

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Really appreciate the feedback in here. :heart:

Samples from September - Early November. – I believe the Home Recommendations Conversion Rate drop was from a thumbnails and icon change that it didn’t catch.

From my experience I didn’t enjoy the game because some things were very polished while some parts of the game seemed untouched. Like the maps seeming very big and empty or the snow blocking the monsters from walking in dungeon 2, so they can’t even reach you. My advice to you is to work on the maps and make them smaller relative to the enemies, the maps are massive, while the enemies are tiny and even smaller than the player at times. Also, polish the mechanics and add more special effects to make the game more “poppy” and exciting. I’d say the UI is polished enough and you just need to work on the other aspects of the game. The bosses also felt like a strange fight to me because they seemed too easy, but also unfitting, as the bosses would use lots of abilities, but just walk towards the player constantly and spin in circles once they reach the player because they seem to just path-find straight toward you regardless of anything. The game was fun and has potential, but its sometimes just the little things that throw off the experience. I hope this helps.

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