I really need some help. I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but math.random is repeating numbers, even if the scope of the number is 1-1000.
This script here sometimes repeats the math.random at the top.
while task.wait(0.1) do
if #self.Alive_Enemies < self.Max_Alive_Enemies then
local PossibleEnemy = self:GetNewPossibleEnemy()
if PossibleEnemy then
local SurfacePosition = Vector3.new(math.random(-7500,7500) / 100, 150, math.random(-7500,7500) / 100)
if not SurfacePosition then continue end
local DungeonEnemy = EnemyModule.NewEnemy(PossibleEnemy, CFrame.new(SurfacePosition + Vector3.new(0,5,0)))
self.Spawned_Enemies += 1
table.insert(self.Alive_Enemies, DungeonEnemy)
table.remove(self.Alive_Enemies, table.find(self.Alive_Enemies, DungeonEnemy))
warn("NO ENEMY")
if self.Spawned_Enemies == self.Max_Enemies then
However, The math.random works normally when I change the code to this:
while task.wait(0.1) do
if #self.Alive_Enemies < self.Max_Alive_Enemies then
local PossibleEnemy = self:GetNewPossibleEnemy()
if PossibleEnemy then
local SurfacePosition = Vector3.new(math.random(-7500,7500) / 100, 150, math.random(-7500,7500) / 100)
if not SurfacePosition then continue end
warn("NO ENEMY")
if self.Spawned_Enemies == self.Max_Enemies then
Something with creating a new enemy is repeating the number multiple times. Any help will be appreciated!
pseudo random number generators likely use time for their seed which would cause repeating if generating 2 numbers quickly. I think Random.new doesnt have this problem or it isnt as severe
Pretty sure math.random and the Random object both use the same pseudorandom generator internally, but obviously people should get into the habit of using the Random object as it has more functionality.
at the start of each loop to set the seed of the generator to a different seed each loop, essentially guaranteeing that you won’t see the same numbers each loop. This way you don’t have to worry about changing the value that you pass into task.wait.
DateTime.now().UnixTimestampMillis gives you the number of milliseconds that have passed since January 1st, 1970 at midnight. This will be different every single call, even if you use task.wait(), which just pauses the script until the end of the current frame.
while true do
if #self.Alive_Enemies < self.Max_Alive_Enemies then
local PossibleEnemy = self:GetNewPossibleEnemy()
if PossibleEnemy then
I used your randomseed code, and now the zombies appear like this, did i place it in the wrong spot?
i want to waits to be around 0.1. and before this i used a repeat until loop, but i switched to while loop because i thought that was throwing the random numbers off.
function Main:GetRandomSpawnPosition()
local EnemiesFolder = workspace.Enemies
if self.Surface_Folder == nil then return end
local HitboxPosition = self.Hitbox.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,self.Hitbox.Size.Y/2,0)
local DivX = self.Hitbox.Size.X/2
local DivZ = self.Hitbox.Size.Z/2
local X = math.random(-DivX, DivX)
local Z = math.random(-DivZ, DivZ)
local RandomCF = HitboxPosition * CFrame.new(X,0,Z)
local LowerCast = workspace:Raycast(RandomCF.Position, Vector3.new(0,-100,0), SpawnRaycastParams)
if LowerCast and LowerCast.Instance and LowerCast.Instance.Parent == self.Surface_Folder then
return LowerCast.Position
But for some really weird reason, it only does this when im spawning an enemy. If i remove this code right here, the random position generator works as intended. Also note this is also effected by task.wait times
if PossibleEnemy then
local SurfacePosition = self:GetRandomSpawnPosition()
if not SurfacePosition then continue end
local DungeonEnemy = EnemyModule.NewEnemy(PossibleEnemy, CFrame.new(SurfacePosition + Vector3.new(0,5,0)))
self.Spawned_Enemies += 1
table.insert(self.Alive_Enemies, DungeonEnemy)
table.remove(self.Alive_Enemies, table.find(self.Alive_Enemies, DungeonEnemy))
warn("NO ENEMY")
I’m not sure, but I believe this is because everything is happening at almost the same time, and UnixTimestampMillis is staying the same. You can try creating an offset variable, then add that to DateTime.now().UnixTimestampMillis and increment it every iteration.
Edit: I just tested this, and I can confirm that the execution is too fast for UnixTimestampMillis try using tick()
UnixTimestampMillis will almost certainly return a different number each loop, but the problem is I’m an idiot and providing a very similar number to randomseed each time will produce very similar results. So @LazerPigeon0429 don’t listen to me I’m dumb lol.