Vibe Club | July 12th Update

Hey all! Lots of QOL changes and some big additions. Let’s go through em:

Introducing new deluxe apartment rooms!

These new 2 floor living spaces can be accessed if you are a V.I.P. There are 3 of these rooms to choose from! The door to the V.I.P section is directly down the hallway with the regular rooms. V.I.P users can walk through the door and access the 3 available deluxe rooms. To purchase V.I.P, check out the gamepass section on the game page or buy it in-game from the shop!

Now, on to some other changes and enhancements:

-Switched lighting system to Voxel. This provides a noticeable performance improvement while not looking any different than the last system.
-Disabled CastShadow property on almost all parts to reduce loading time and increase performance.
-Disabled Shadows property on almost all lights to also increase performance.
-New clothing + clothing shop expansion.
-New music.
-New badge!
-New grass and trees.
-Neon signs are now in English.
-Some walls and railings in the club painted new color.
-Added new signs for the city shops.
-You can sit at the fountain now!
-More SFX added in places where they were missing/lacking.
-Sunset Inn lobby now has music.
-Removed TV sounds.
-“Stop Animation” button added in the emote menu.

Hope you all enjoy this week’s update! Have a relaxing time and vibe on <3