Victorian Era Lamp

I’m one of those guys that’s a “I can script, cannot build” guys, and I actually decided to build something today. Oddly enough it turned out alright. I’ve put it up next to a common free model form of it, just to compare. Here’s a screenie.

What do you think?

That’s quite nice actually, I think I wouldn’t even have the patience for those corners on the lamp.

I’m too however one of those “can only script not build” -guys and I was surprised yesterday as well! :smiley:

[quote] That’s quite nice actually, I think I wouldn’t even have the patience for those corners on the lamp.

I’m too however one of those “can only script not build” -guys and I was surprised yesterday as well! :smiley:


I like your use of textures…it’s a really under-utilized feature.

As for the lamp, I have something very similar myself :open_mouth: I wonder if we used the same reference?
See here (bit small):