Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

No no, I’m saying that if I play a video at 4k and I have a monitor that is 1080p There wont be a very noticeable difference between them since the monitor cannot output the 4k video

While it’s true that displaying a 4k video on a lower resolution display will not output 4k resolution, there is actually a perceived improvement in quality regardless.

Here’s a video to explain that:

TL;DR: There are more pixels to work with.


My thoughts on this:

Your account must be 13+ and ID-verified

Mkay, sounds reasonable. Might stop some bots and trolls.

Your videos must be 30 seconds or less

A bit short but sounds reasonable considering bandwidth and data usage.

You can upload 3 videos every 30 days (refreshes 30 days after your first upload)

Might become a problem to some people but I cannot imagine anyone (other than a company or studio) uploading more than 5 videos in a month.

Each video upload requires 2000 Robux

Nooooooo, whyyyy? I’d have to spend roughly €30 euros (3x 800 robux) to upload a single 30s video. :frowning:

This used to be a huge problem with audio back in the ol’ days before uploads were free.
This especially becomes a problem if you make games/experiences for fun/as a hobby rather than for the money (I don’t like stuffing games full of gamepasses and micro-transactions).

I’m still glad we finally get to upload videos now tho.


I mean there is a difference but not as good, I also don’t know how Roblox engine would handle this like the video talked about

The one thing I will say is Roblox may automatically scale down videos based on the device’s capabilities. I have no clue if it actually does, but I feel like it wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. I agree with Roblox that 1080p 60fps is probably where you want it. Even if the screen is really big, you probably don’t need 4k for it to look good. But I think it’s still nice to have regardless.

However, I would like to see lower resolution videos get a longer length. I don’t actually think there should be a size limit, but rather enforce that via the size limit. 4k, if I’m remembering correctly, is 4x larger than 1080p. This means that, in theory, we should be able to upload a 2 minute video of 1080p or a 30 second video of 4k.


This is one of the reasons why I’ve debated with others about this price. Obviously, it would be nice if the price were less, but it’s also not all that difficult to earn.

I’ve made a game/experience before that I had put no money into and sold nothing in. Yet that game still earned a lot of R$ while it was active, via Premium Payouts. Even now with the game dead, it still earns enough R$ to where I never have to buy R$ for anything. Once again, the game sold nothing. This was all earned exclusively from Premium Payouts, which requires no purchases other than that the user playing your game/experience has Roblox Premium.


I would like to see a option where you can turn off autoplay cause some people don’t have high-speed internet.


This is a bit tricky, and perhaps auto-scaling resolution would help with the streaming aspect. I feel like this is more of a developer issue than a Roblox issue. This would include not playing videos that aren’t in view of the player’s camera.

My only issue with not auto-playing is if developers want you to watch something in that moment, such as a cutscene. I suppose this could be used specifically for looped videos that are always active, and in that case it would probably be fine. Though in that case, the developer can do that themselves.

2000 Robux? 3 uploads a month? Is this a joke? :skull: you can keep it.


This is a really cool and long awaited feature however, I am disappointed that every feature is locked away behind ID verified, I personally do not wish to give away my personal information to a third-party company I have never heard of or trust just to use a new feature in my games it often just blocks a majority of developers who think the same way being locked from new stuff and left behind.


They really thought that they would get positive feedback out of this…

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will they become free? 2k is kinda much, that’s more than audio + a badge (when they costed)

Appears to have a small delay at the beginning of each loop


that’s like what, 80 cents per second of video? good grief

It’s better to calculate things based on DevEx. In this case, a video is $7 USD. Which still does sound like quite a bit, reading that out loud. Hopefully that will go down over time, or at least remove the length limit and stick with the size limit.

But here’s a solution if you want something similar, but for free:

Or just continue using things like ViewportFrames.


Excited about the latest videoframe update—I’ve been eagerly anticipating this. I’m curious about the performance differences between using a videoframe and a flipbook. For my game’s intro, we use 48 individual images to create a 4-second animation (this was before the introduction of videoframes). I decided to upload the original animation last night and compare the two methods.

In the game linked below, the first animation (with a lighter background) uses the flipbook method, while the second animation (with a darker background) uses a videoframe. Would you recommend replacing the flipbook with the videoframe for better performance?

demo place (bottom left of the screen is the method it’s currently using):


Who’s gonna buy Robux just to spend it on a video though? You should use a devex calculator because that would be more accurate to the people who are actually gonna use these videos.

I remember when this was a feature everyone was looking forward to. But then you go slap these insane restrictions onto it that make me ask why you even did it in the first place.

I get that videos take up a lot of storage, so adding a price tag is pretty much required. I get that. But why base it around how long a video is? There’s already an insanely high file size limit that nobody will reach unless they’re going completely uncompressed, why not scale the price on how much size the videos take instead?

I do not like ID verification being forced onto stuff like this. And just because I refuse to give you personal information, I’m not allowed to use this new technology? It started as just verification for stuff like 17+ games (which makes sense), now it’s being used to restrict features that frankly shouldn’t be restricted with an ID. I don’t need to explain why that’s bad.

What is with the 3 videos every 30 days? Genuinely, I don’t understand. Why are you limiting something people already have to pay for? This makes the least sense to me out of all the restrictions, what was the point of this? Nobody’s gonna spam this, it’s already R$2,000.

All these restrictions lead me to my main point: I just don’t see this being practical to use anymore.

Before, I could imagine videos being used for a lot of things, big and small. You could make something as small as a simple cutscene to as big as a documentary-style video. But with these restrictions in place, it even feels like making basic cutscenes is a waste of money. This now only appeals to the top developers on your platform, anyone else won’t get too much use out of it.

You guys somehow made a good update bad. How do you even manage that?


I think the flipbook method will always be more performant. I prefer to use a single image that contains as many frames as possible (to limit the total number of images streamed in). My only issue with that is the size limit for any individual image. This makes it difficult to make a higher quality animation without uploading a ton of images. I think if it’s something larger, a video will definitely look better and will be easier to produce.

In the game you linked, I found the VideoFrame version to be much nicer, although I would’ve taken advantage of the better framerate by making the animation smoother. If there’s no way of doing that, I’d recommend using AI to interpolate and add extra frames using a program like Flowframes.


So once this is out of beta, is this still gonna cost 2000 robux?