Video uploads [Beta]: Add short-form video to your experience

Me when viewport frames exists

The fee should be less than 700 robux because there’s no point uploading them for 20$. Like bro, I’m not that rich to pay 2000 robux per video. It should be at least 200 or 300 robux imo

Imagine if I wanted to upload a 2 minute video, I would spent for it almost 10k in total and uploading parts of my video. And also I need to script all thing to show next 30 sec part of the video. Imo, max length should be 2 minutes.

I get this part, it’s to avoid inappropriate videos being uploaded by non verified users.

I think that upload fee should cost less than 700 robux and should have 2 min max length. Tbh I don’t want to pay 20 dollars for some 30 seconds like bro I can just use viewport frame or smth like that for this.


720p Video won’t be 720p for people who can’t run or have 720p monitors so :person_shrugging: :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: literally no one cares. This better be a troll post because everyone who ever used video frames knows why this is useful even on lower resolutions

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If they are charging that much per video, they should have made it that you can upload videos that are 5 minutes long.


my point is with the video lenght.

at least it should be based on how long the video is.

(and OFC it should never go above or close to the 2k price)


hahahaha so many restrictions and way overpriced… nty, I’ll stick with gif-to-vid method stitched with sound instances :slight_smile:

If you’re willing to put in some extra effort, a short term solution would be to simulate a gif using something like this:

[Model] Gif UI Element

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4k video is much different than 4k rendering of 3D graphics. Also, viewing a 4k video on a 1080p monitor will still appear higher quality than a native 1080p video on a 1080p monitor. In addition, keep in mind that the point of these VideoFrames isn’t just for fullscreen viewing, it’s also for use on BillboardGuis. If the BillboardGui is rather large, 1080p won’t look as good.

What I’m referring to is PPI (Pixel Per Inch), or in this case, PPS (Pixel Per Stud), both of which are ways of defining pixel density. The bigger the pixels, the less detailed it will be. There are benefits to this too, such as using lower resolution images on far away objects, you’re not going to notice the lack of detail as easily.

Either way, it depends on your specific use-case.


2000 robux? what in gods name are you smoking


I believe this is a “temporary” payment, to limit video upload spamming, especially on alts. But to remind you, audio also used to cost R$ to upload until relatively recently. VideoFrames are still new and require optimization for both in-game use and platform use, I’m sure.

This is unfortunate for completely new developers, however 2k R$ is a minimal amount for most developers. Thankfully, there are other solutions if you are unable to obtain enough R$, depending on what kind of video you wanted to upload. You can simulate gifs like my post above, or use a ViewportFrame to animate out the video instead. Bloxburg just animated using 2D UI elements, similar to an old flash game.

But if your project absolutely needs to use a VideoFrame for whatever reason, I would recommend either finding an investor (2k R$ won’t be difficult to find an investor for) or doing contract work to earn that R$.


Yeah, it costed 100 R$. Not 1000.

What? If that’s your view then you have no value in money. 2K is a large amount regardless of what kind of developer you are.

Your entire post comes off as a back handed way to call people poor. Get a grip.


That’s so true…

Cost to upload images: 0
Cost to upload audio: 0
Cost to upload video: 2000 (inf% more than image + audio)

What’s a video made of? Images and audio.


bUt YoU cAn UpLoAd 4K oOoooOoOOo


And then they put it on a 144p SurfaceGui… :sob:


lolol, gotta love it!

powering imagination


The price depended on the size of the audio, and audio files are much smaller than video files, especially when those video files also contain audio.

If you’ve ever finished a game and had players play it, Premium Payouts alone can earn you 2k R$ very quickly.

I apologize if my post came off as negative or offensive. I attempted to write it in a constructive and helpful way. I also gave alternative solutions.

Though my point about the value of 2k R$ being minimal is what developers don’t typically buy R$ through Roblox, but rather use R$ that they’ve earned from their development, which as I said previously, is actually fairly easy to earn even as a new developer.

rending 4K 3D is far more intensive than 4K video. not quite sure what your argument is here.

If the BillboardGui is rather large, 1080p won’t look as good.

Most GUIs support the feature of pixel correction. So you can adjust GUIs to make the pixel density more clear.


The most an audio would be charged for is 350, it never went above that regardless of the length. (Which was still only 2 minutes at the time).

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The point is that the 2K requirement is completely unnecessary. If they wanted to avoid people spamming video uploads then allow a whitelist like they did when first introducing the UGC program. For most developers, throwing 2K at uploading a video that only can be 30 seconds long max? That’s a waste, there’s no good earning differential, and that 30 second audio likely won’t have a good impact on your earning margins down the line. It’s a disconnected move.

EDIT: On top of that, developers have been waiting for them to do something with video frames since they introduced it back in 2020. And this is what they come out with? Leaves a sour taste.


There’s still a size limit, and audio files are still smaller than a video file (with audio as well). Regardless, this was meant to limit upload spam.

That was my point. If you were referring to using a VideoFrame on a Billboard, while that does require more processing than purely 2D, that’s not as expensive as actual 3D rendering.

This only works when the resolution is greater than what’s displayed. That’s why you would upload a higher resolution.

Whitelisting is not a good thing. It was needed for UGC due to the complexity of moderation and copyright issues. But ideally, and Roblox feels the same, UGC is meant to be for everyone.

I think this is subjective. It depends on your budget and the purpose of the video. I personally see very little use in VideoFrames in general. The only use I see that would benefit the most is for pre-rendered cutscenes made in something like Blender. If I wanted my game to have cutscenes like that, I would certainly find it worth the value.

They come out with a beta release where all developers can upload videos now. I don’t think anyone would argue that it would be much nicer if it were free and had no upload or size limit. But that’s unfortunately not realistic at this time.

It’s alright to be upset about the cost, but I can assure you that it won’t be changing for a while. In the meantime, I would recommend using one of my alternative solutions, or just not using VideoFrames at all. I personally believe it’s better to be productive than needlessly argumentative or deconstructive. I wish you luck with your projects.

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No ones uploading stuff in SD nowadays. So again, no clue what your point is.

Complexity of moderation? It’s arguably more complex to moderate videos than a 3d model. And copyright would still be the same issue for both, what?

It’s not subjective, it’s business. There’s a standard defined rate at which something is profitable and what expenses are worth while for your venture. If you think this philosophy is subjective, I’d take a few courses.

The argument made for cutscenes is absolutely silly. Not only would most prerendered cutscenes only really see use if they were longer than a minute, most information and creative foundations can’t be properly established and conveyed to the player within 30 seconds. You’d either be cramming too much detail in, or cutting out portions for the player to know.

No ones asking for the size limit to be unlimited, or upload limit to be unlimited. We have an issue with the price tag, it’s completely unrealistic and disjointed.

It’s becoming clear from your correspondence that you lack some real world knowledge and experience on why this is such a frustrating outcome from ROBLOX. Not only is this completely out of left field for how ROBLOX treats new features, it sets an extremely dangerous precedent moving forward. Soon we’re going to be paying 5K to upload 3D models that are above 10K triangles.

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