VideoPlus — Roblox Video Player



VideoPlus is a video player for Roblox videos that allows a user to skip forwards and backwards, like your favourite (or least favourite) video players and all the other standard features. Most of them at least.


  • Jump Back and Forward by 10 seconds
  • Loop videos
  • Time Slider (I don’t know what it’s called…)
    Plus some other small ones!

What’s the point?

I wouldn’t be surprised if your wondering the point of this. Since Roblox hasn’t released video uploading to the public and potentially never will. But, if videos are ever widely used, here’s something that can be used directly or as a reference.


PLEASE NOTE: This model is currently in BETA, source is not great and this is model not finished.

VideoPlus | Version 0.1.1 BETA

Feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism is appreciated. Also, rare ID: 2080800.


Can you add a video showing it in action? or not?

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VideoPlus more like VideoNotUploaded haha… Roblox needs to log in to release them video frames fully

The proper term for “time slider” is actually “scrubbing”.