Videos Keep Appearing as Flashing Lights

So I was trying to make a video billboard in my game and it seems to not appear as it should be.
The video just appears as flashing colors and I do not know why.

IsLooped and IsPlaying is checked.
I did everything correct, yet it’s still flashing colors. Other videos are also the same.
Please help.

Is it under a SurfaceGUI? Also, I think if the part has the Neon material it can bug out the video.

If you’re running it on a studio, that’s the reason. Usually videos work just in the actual game, (case for me).

Please show your hierarchy for the SurfaceGui.

And the properties of the SurfaceGui too.

Didn’t realize it, thanks though.

No problem, this is a common issue and has happened to me many times. Sometimes, you forget.

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