Hello developers i want make a system when you uses item it pop up on screen a text = +1
Create a system when you click the egg, it clones a gui to your playergui with a tween and then destroy it.
In that gui, show the amount of the value you want to be set.
If you want to set it thru a script, use the ClonedGui’s frame and there the textlabels text.
What can you send a code? I just don’t know how to do this
Make a gui first.
Then make a clickdetector inside the egg, and a script.
if player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("GuiName") then
local ui = game:GetService("ServerStorage").GUINAME:Clone() -- Put the UI in ServerStorage and define it here.
ui.Parent = player.PlayerGui
-- Perform the tweens and destroy it using
That’s just the basic, make sure to learn scripting and tweening. Then add in all u want.