Viewable print() string in studio, but not in roblox game?

Hello forum, today i tried to print some stuff into the DevConsole to check issues going on in my game. The problem is that: I can view the strings in studio but i can’t in the real game (Roblox Game Client). Is there anyway i can do that so i can know and fix some in game issue? Here’s what i normally use.

local text = "bla bla bla"


also im not very good at scripting, so if i do cause some confusion. im really sorry.

You mean you can’t see the Developer Console printout?
F9 or /console in chat to open the Developer Console in game.

Are you on the correct tab to view the output of that script type?
LocalScripts print to the Client tab, and ServerScripts (Scripts) print to the Server tab.

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on studio play testing, you will see both server scripts and client scripts logs together, not really up to if it’s a bug or not but I honestly think makes play testing easier to read logs from.

you will have to do like @IDoLua said, open the Developer Console and go to the Server tab to see server scripts, local scripts can be found on the Client tab

ok i guess that’ll work out, sorry for asking such an easy question tho. Thanks both of you.

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