Viewing the games of a banned roblox account

I’ve been trying real hard to view a roblox account named ImmortalForms, however it’s banned and simply searching it will lead me nowhere.

I have tried using multiple methods but none of them worked so far, but ChatGPT gave me a URL where it fetched informations about the games and their ID, but searching them up leads me to a error code or a different game. I’m not sure how i’d get the universe ID of the games or whatever conversation method is used to get the actual Place ID.

The link ChatGPT gave me:

Try this link:

The ID for the game would be the id variable under the rootPlace

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If the account has been removed then all the games will have been removed as well.
There’s a game that has every Roblox userID number with their avatar in it, but many of them just aren’t there.

Not for this specific account though, as i remember their games are still up and playable, however they have little visits and searching them up leads me to a dead end.

It does work but you have to use the universe ID for this specific link. Easiest way is going to: and replacing (ID) with the place you want to see.

A example link would be:

Then you can click “View on roblox” to get the place

Also no “Edit in studio” doesn’t work it returns 403 error im pretty sure

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