Viewing Tools when creating Animations

Hi all

I’m currently creating a new experience and it involves the use of fire hoses.

I’m creating some animations that will enable the user to see themselves opening, firing and closing the turning handle on the fire hose.

It would be a lot easier if I was able to see the fire hose positioned in their hand while I am creating an animation for it, but I can’t seem to find a way to make the character I’m animating hold/have a tool equipped so that I can animate it knowing the hose is in the correct position.

Does anyone know how I could do this?



Put the tool inside the rig you are using.


This was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately doesn’t seem to work

Is everything welded together inside the gun? Make sure that none of the parts inside the gun are anchored either. I just had to deal with the same problem yesterday and this solved the issue.

Do I want to be welding any certain part to the dummy’s hand? When I weld everything together and unanchor it, it just merges everything into one central position in the tool and still doesn’t put it into the dummy’s hand.

Try welding everything to the handle. If you have the weld plugin, click the handle, and then click every other part and weld all.

You should not weld it to the dummy’s hand. ~~(im not sure why your tool is collapsing into a singularity though)~~That is happening because of the way you welded it, im pretty sure