So i’m using FE gun kit and i used roblox’s animator to make an equip animation, but after exporting it, it doesn’t play in the exact same way it’s in the animator
This is what it should look like:
And this is what it looks like in game:
So i’m using FE gun kit and i used roblox’s animator to make an equip animation, but after exporting it, it doesn’t play in the exact same way it’s in the animator
This is what it should look like:
Looking at the very first visible frame reveals that the game is already loading the gun in-place before loading in the animation. You’ll likely need to turn the gun and hand invisible for a moment when loading in an equip animation.
Don’t use any Action2, Action3 and Action4, these are made for AnimationWeightBlendFix
So what should i be using instead?
Just regular “Action” instead
char limit jjj
I tried doing this, yet it keeps breaking, i even tried using another viewmodel in a different place, here’s some videos for comparison:
What it should look like:
This has to do with AnimationWrightBlendFix
disable that and Retargeting