Viewmodel animations not working with Humanoid in the viewmodel

I’m making a game that uses a viewmodel, I want this viewmodel to use the player’s arms as the viewmodel arms, but I have an issue where the humanoid causes the animations to not work. Does anyone know how I could fix this?

	local arms = game.ReplicatedStorage.ArmsTuto:Clone()

	arms.Parent = workspace
	arms.Clothing.ShirtTemplate = char:FindFirstChild("Shirt").ShirtTemplate
	local Animator = arms.Humanoid.Animator
	local walkanim = Animator:LoadAnimation(arms.Walk)

	local idleAnim = Animator:LoadAnimation(arms.Idle)
	idleAnim:Play() -- TO make sure the idle animation is ready to play after the equip animation
	local equiptAnim = Animator:LoadAnimation(arms.Equip)

	local runAnim = Animator:LoadAnimation(arms.Run)


Have you tried changing animation priorities? Maybe your idle animation is playing at a higher priority than the rest of your animations

Not even the idle animation is playing, adding the Humanoid completely breaks it for some reason