Hey developers,
Today I was working on my Gun System, and decided to test out some animations on it. I created a copy of my ViewModel and then gave it the appropriate Motors to properly rig it to the gun.
This is how the animation looks in the editor;
This is how it is supposed to look.
However once tested in game, the gun model animates correctly, but the arms don’t.
I have no idea why this is happening as both ViewModels are identical in how the Motors are placed, this also applies to the model that is used in game as I create a new Motor to attach the gun to the ViewModel.
This is the code I use to create the Motor once the player joins:
local GunJoint = Instance.new("Motor6D")
GunJoint.C0 = CFrame.new(0.75, -1, -1.5)
GunJoint.Part1 = ViewModelClone.Head
GunJoint.Part0 = Weapon.PrimaryPart
GunJoint.Parent = Weapon.PrimaryPart
GunJoint.Name = "GunMotor"
I’d appreciate any help given, thank you.