ViewModel blocks raycasts from gun

Hello, so I recently discovered ViewModels and I’m trying to use them in my game. I’m currently using a FE gun kit and Im having trouble. When I aim down sights with the viewmodel, I can’t see the ray-cast and the Humanoid doesn’t take damage, but when I’m not aiming it works perfectly fine.

robloxapp-20200519-1722533.wmv (2.3 MB)

Blacklist the viewmodel from the raycast then? Can’t suggest anything else if we don’t see any code, what you’re currently doing and what you’ve tried to do so far.

How would I blacklist them? I’m not really experienced with that kind of scripting, just basic raycasting.

Even if you don’t script, you are still capable of attempting and searching first before posting.

Thank you! I solved it by creating a new collision group and set the viewModel to that group. Now the raycast isn’t blocked.