ViewModel for every tool

Hello to everyone who visited this post.

Here I would like to ask you how I could make my ViewModel for any item, I tried to do it already, but it didn’t work, the camera just froze because there were other bugs, I would like to take the FE system based on it, do everything perfectly there, I would like to transfer the VM system from FE as a separate system and make it for food.

So that the item is food when you take it out / activate it, the ViewModel worked as in FE, but it was not a weapon, but was like food that you can eat.

Tell me how it can be done.

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I think It’d be easier to make your own viewmodel system as FE is meant for “shooter viewmodels”, there are plenty of posts about viewmodels and how they work, they’re not so hard as they may sound

anyways here’s a simple viewmodel script (actually that’s the most simple viewmodel script that you can write)

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Tool = script.Parent

      local Viewmodel = game.Workspace.Viewmodel:Clone()      

            Viewmodel.PrimaryPart.CFrame = Camera.CFrame

      Viewmodel.Parent = game.Workspace.Camera (you can add the viewmodel anywhere you want to,                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                   but it has to be in Workspace)

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