What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to achieve an effect where the left arm can properly point to a LeftGrip, such as a Grip gun attachment or the barrel. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
The issue is that the angle that is produced is causing an undesirable roll effect on the arm, which looks unnatural.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I already tried removing the Z axis entirely, but that only created more issues.
Here is the main update loop function:
Connect(function(dt) -- Main update function
if (this_WeaponModel and #this_Viewport > 0) then
local Left_Arm, Right_Arm = this_Viewport[1], this_Viewport[2]
Left_Arm.CFrame, Right_Arm.CFrame = Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame * Settings.LeftArmPos, Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame * Settings.RightArmPos
this_WeaponModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Right_Arm.CFrame * CFrame.new(Right_Arm.Size.X/2, 0, 0) * Settings.WeaponOffset)
local find = this_WeaponModel:FindFirstChild(tostring(WeaponModel:GetAttribute("SecondaryPart")))
if (find) then
Left_Arm.CFrame = CFrame.new(Left_Arm.Position, find.Position) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi/2, 0) * CFrame.new(math.clamp((Left_Arm.Position - find.Position).Magnitude/2, -Left_Arm.Size.X/2, Left_Arm.Size.X/2), 0, 0)
end, RunService.RenderStepped)