Viewmodel won't appear

So I’m making a gun system and I’m setting up the viewmodel but when I equip the gun the viewmodel appears in some random place in the workspace instead of in the players camera
anyone know why?

function Gun:Equip()
	print("Gun equipped!")
	self.ViewModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Viewmodel:Clone()
	self.GunModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.AK74:Clone()

	self.GunModel.Parent = self.ViewModel
	self.ViewModel.Parent = workspace.Camera
    local IsFirstPerson = self:CheckFirstPerson()
	if self.ViewModel:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
		self.ViewModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame = camera.CFrame
		print("ViewModel's HumanoidRootPart CFrame set to Camera's CFrame")
		warn("HumanoidRootPart not found in ViewModel!")
	Gun.Equipped = true

if you guys need extra details let me know.


It’s probably anchored, or it doesn’t have a handle, or it’s pivot is wrong

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it’s not anchored already checked that, It has a handle, and its pivot is fine

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I think you need to update the CFrame every time the camera changes. you could use

game["Run Service"].RenderStepped

or something like that.

I have not got to that part yet Ik it has to be updated every frame but rn it will not appear at all

I would try finishing that part. It might be the source of your problem

just did that nothing changed sadly

Try Turning Off StreamingEnabled on Workspace, and use ViewModel:PivotTo(TargetCFrame) instead of directly changing ViewModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame

nvm I think your pivotTo solution worked

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