Welcome to the Viewpoint Dev-log! Just as a reminder, this log will be a bit slow and extensive, as the development of the game is currently being done by a single collage student (me). This log will include the past and current builds, and also announcements, just to keep everyone up-to-date as much as I possibly can. Without further ado, enjoy!
Announcements |
Update #1
After a long hiatus (thanks college), I have returned! So, since it has been so long (and very little progress has been made to the game), I have decided to revamp everything I’ve done so far. The prototype stage has been interesting, but I think it’s time to revive this game as a summer project and hopefully actually have something more “proper” to show you guys. I’ve made a teaser trailer on Youtube (link below) and will be taking this dev-log to a more public platform as well as here too. Hopefully this will create some more traction as to what I dream this piece will be. The showcase that is currently up will remain, but much of it will change with this revamp coming soon.
Update #2
After a few months of development, and a bit longer hiatus, some updates to the prototype has been made. With a life goal of mine finally completed (graduating college), I should have more time to delve into this hobby of game development. Still a solo project, and slowly learning Lua as a language into the studio (most of my experience in studio is modeling), but I hope more will come about this project as I see it. Below is the start of a development on Youtube! Hope you enjoy!
Current Build | Prototype Version 0.8
Version 0.1
- Added 3 Buildings
- Added Running & Walking Animations
Version 0.2
- Added 3 Buildings
- Added Main Menu
- Added 8 Environment Assets
Version 0.3
- Added 7 Buildings, Removed 2 previous builds (will be revamped in the future)
- Removed Main Menu (revamped in the future)
- Cursor Bug Fix #1
- Transferred 6 Assets from the Viewpoint Showcase to the project
- Added 2 Environment Assets
Version 0.4
- Added 2 Buildings and Environment Assets
Version 0.5
- Prototype menu has been added
- Run & Walk Revamped
- Prototype map finished
Version 0.6
- Remaster Buildings
- Remaster Walk & Run Animations
- Remaster Environment Assets
Version 0.7
- Added 4 new Environment Assets
- Revamped Menu
Version 0.8
- Added 3 new Environment Assets\
- Added crouch and jump animation