Viewport Frame just doesn't work

So basically I want to use viewportframe on a surface GUI but when testing with regular part it just doesn’t appear.


I have ensured that “CurrentCamera” has been set for ViewportFrame, the part is in the camera’s view and the ViewportFrame’s size is {1, 0},{1, 0} but it still just doesn’t work since the part don’t show up.

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All Camera objects are deleted upon running the game; you should be using a script to create a camera dynamically. If you aren’t, try doing that.

Actually, if you want to render parts inside a Surface/Billboard gui, you must parent said gui to StarterGui.

I guess that works. Roblox viewportframe is so annoying

To future people who have the same question. Make sure to set “Adornee” of SurfaceGui to the part which you want viewportframe displayed on.

I just ran into another problem. This is how it look before I run the game.

And this is how it looks after I run the game:

The camera are gone and the “CurrentCamera” of viewportframe did not set, I even tried localscript to recreate new camera for these viewportframe but it didn’t work.

Any idea why?

Studio’s quirks with Cameras, not sure how you can fix it

This is so weird… I swore it worked before this weird problem kicked in.

ohhh… oops i made a post about this too… ill just point my post to this post i guess :smiley: