Viewport is not focused when entering play solo

As of last Thursday, if you have a script open when you open play solo, Studio will not refocus to the game viewport.

I’m unable to reproduce this on a baseplate, but testing in Robloxian Highschool, it happens 100% of the time. If a repro is necessary, please message me privately.

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I can add onto this - I have a test file that is just a baseplate (with 2 small aircraft on it) where this happens. This does not happen every time for my case, but it has happened multiple times before.

We will begin looking into this. Please DM me an rbxl with a consistent repro if possible.


I can confirm this I was thinking it is a change Roblox did not a bug is happening for a while.
Basically when you play inside studio and your window is focused on editing a script the window won’t focus to the game until you click on it.
Sent a direct message with my information, hope it’ll help!

Me too. I was working on my rhythm game and it will not refocus to the viewport.

@robDR submitted a fix for this issue this morning. This should be resolved in the next week or so. Thank you for your patience.

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