Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-04-14 00:04:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced:
Reproduction Steps:
In Repro.rbxl there is a ViewportFrame at StarterGui.ScreenGui.ViewportFrame, in it there is a MeshPart named “MeshPart” that does not render in studio or in-game, but the MeshPart renders in workspace (included in file). I added a “MeshPartNoId” into the ViewportFrame to show the viewport is working and aligned to see the origin.
- Look at ViewportFrame in StarterGui.ScreenGui
- The bug occurs when the MeshPart named “MeshPart” is not visible in the gui (despite being centered in the camera next to a blank MeshPart).
Removing the MeshId from the MeshPart will make it visible in the ViewportFrame (to ensure camera is aligned).
Repro.rbxl (76.0 KB)
Expected Behavior:
I expect to see the model of the chest that I see in workspace to be visible in the center of the StarterGui.ScreenGui.ViewportFrame
Actual Behavior:
As shown, the MeshPart named “MeshPart” in the ViewportFrame does not render in the ViewportFrame, although it works in workspace.