ViewportFrame doesn't render working MeshPart

Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-04-14 00:04:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced:

Reproduction Steps:
In Repro.rbxl there is a ViewportFrame at StarterGui.ScreenGui.ViewportFrame, in it there is a MeshPart named “MeshPart” that does not render in studio or in-game, but the MeshPart renders in workspace (included in file). I added a “MeshPartNoId” into the ViewportFrame to show the viewport is working and aligned to see the origin.


  1. Look at ViewportFrame in StarterGui.ScreenGui
  2. The bug occurs when the MeshPart named “MeshPart” is not visible in the gui (despite being centered in the camera next to a blank MeshPart).

Removing the MeshId from the MeshPart will make it visible in the ViewportFrame (to ensure camera is aligned).

Repro.rbxl (76.0 KB)

Expected Behavior:
I expect to see the model of the chest that I see in workspace to be visible in the center of the StarterGui.ScreenGui.ViewportFrame

Actual Behavior:
As shown, the MeshPart named “MeshPart” in the ViewportFrame does not render in the ViewportFrame, although it works in workspace.



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I will log this as a bug.
The workaround is to place the MeshPart under Model Instance: