ViewportFrame gets brighter as the camera gets further away

It means that it goes to the queue of future features that we review for engineering work. It’s looking like ViewportFrames are gonna be like this for a while as much as I’d like to just change it.


This issue comes from view port frames having built in fog.

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Understandable, is the feature request tab open to the public or is it part of the development backend things that are inaccessible?

Thank you.


Unfortunately, no, whatever Feature Request tracking system they have, isn’t visible to us outsiders.

However, they do seem to be working on improving transparency for them:

Additionally, if you want to be able to make Feature Requests and post to #feature-requests, send a join request to AllowFeatureRequests. #forum-help:forum-features is the only Feature Request category that does not require a Regular trust level or being a member of the AllowFeatureRequests group (and vice-versa for #forum-help:forum-bugs not requiring being part of AllowBugReports).