The minimap’s color while far away is really close to the color of the spawn. It could be the color of the spawn or the black platform without the visual effects.
When testing it out myself in studio, I got the same results. My guess was to try and change the Ambient, LightColor, LightDirection, or ImageColor3 as they all seemed like they could be the issue. However, I couldn’t find the issue.
I do think there is a work around though: You could scale the entire map you have to a smaller size until the brightness thing isn’t effecting anything, but that might not be ideal.
There is probably something I am overlooking, but from what I currently know, I believe this to be a bug.
I messed around with this, and can confirm the problem stems from the ViewportFrame. Putting the objects in a WorldModel and putting that in the ViewportFrame makes no difference, so it has nothing to do with that (I figured I should try that out). No property changes fixed this either.
This issue is extremely frustrating and limits the utility of VIewportFrames as they cannot be color accurate. It has been 291 days with no follow up. Has this been forgotten?
Bump, I also would appreciate if this gets improved. Either way, maybe you could post a feature request for custom lightning for viewport frames, which would allow to do much more stuff with them. But for now, your best bet would making an mini map image.
Thanks for your patience @moIIete. We really appreciate these reports and I have to say it is quite a great repro you made. I’m looking at this now, I am currently working on this.
It would seem like this is currently “expected behavior” for the game engine. I’d need to transition this into a feature request to have some way to not have fog in the viewportframe. I tried making a mini-map though by scaling parts down in the ViewportFrame.
I see, about what you said about making the maps scaled down, that somewhat works but it is not the fix that we require to have it to work for us, we need to keep everything 1/1 scale as parts of the minimap upload every frame and adding another factor in there affect performance.
You say that it is an “expected behavior” and you would have to transition this to a feature request, are you in the process of doing this or how does that work?