Viewportframe has different positions on all guns?

so i want to make it so these guns appear up front and center in the viewport frame however they all have a different position and orientation even though I’m setting them to what they should be.

This is my second time using VPF’s so if anyone knows anything about this issue and how to use these properly in the future, it would be much appreciated.

Try to change the orientation and size.

i did, i want it to set all the guns to the same orientation and size but its not working. i know the reason its zoomed out I don’t know the reason why each gun is orientated differently.

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Instead of moving the guns in the ViewportFrame, try changing the Camera to be closer to the guns.

local Camera = ViewportFrame.Camera --// Change this
local Gun = ViewportFrame.Model --// And this

Camera.CFrame = Gun:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() *, 0, -5)
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yeah but the guns arent all aligned perfectly, they have different orientations.