Viewportframe Model Error

Hi, my name is Baccon. I’m trying to make a intro and have run into a problem with the script, when I’m trying to make the model tween in the viewportframe to get closer to the players… but it goes farther away.

Here’s The Code

		local CoolAnimationCamera ='Camera', script)
		CoolAnimationCamera.Name = 'CoolAnimationCamera'
		local PortFrame = script.Parent.Intro.CoolAnimationThing.ViewportFrame
		PortFrame.CurrentCamera = CoolAnimationCamera
		local ModelThing = game.Lighting.NationalChampionship
		local ModelThingClone = ModelThing:Clone()
		ModelThingClone.Parent = PortFrame.WorldModel
		PortFrame.WorldModel.PrimaryPart = ModelThingClone.Main
		CoolAnimationCamera.CFrame = PortFrame.WorldModel.NationalChampionship.Main.CFrame * ang(5.8,0,3.6) *,0,8)
		tweenModel(workspace.Jet, workspace.JetEnd.CFrame, 4, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In)
		Tween_Part(PortFrame.WorldModel.NationalChampionship.Main,{CFrame =,0,300)},Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,3)

What I Want?
I want the model to be able to turn and tween towards the camera.

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Your video is privated, if you want the thing to spin its better to change the camera for 2 reasons

the main reason is we can just do cos(os.clock()), object.Y, sin(os.clock()) for the cameras position then use look at cause that way we dont have to change every object in the scene and when u change a object in the viewport frame I am not sure how much of a difference it makes but it says on the manual that its slower than just changing the camera.

oh sorry, here you go Untitled Games - Roblox Studio 2021-04-10 04-05-47.mp4 - Google Drive